Monday, April 19, 2021

2022 - Ways and Conditions to Become a Professional HRD -

There are several criteria and requirements that must be met to become a professional HRD. Reading one's character is not the only qualification that must be possessed by HRD ( human resource development ).

There will be many company interests related to HRD duties. For example, making sure the company has all the human resources (human resources) needed, taking care of company needs with government regulations, to maintain relationships between employees.

However, being HRD turned out to be fun, this was evident from the many people who were interested in this line of work. For that, before a career in the HR world, it's good if you know the ways and requirements to become the following HRD.

What is HRD?

HRD (Human Resources Department) is a department or section within a company that is responsible for managing employees. From the process of getting employees until they stop working from the company. The bigger the company, the more challenges it must face. Therefore, professional people who are capable of managing HR are needed.

The company will employ skilled or competent employees with specifications such as training and capacity development, compensation and company benefits or even labor relations.

In small companies, HRD work and tasks are usually done by one or a few staff. These people are not only in charge of administering HRD administration, but are also expected to be able to recruit, calculate salaries and design policies for employees that benefit the company as well as the employees themselves.

The vast scope of HRD assignments will open up great opportunities for you to get involved in the HRD world.

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The Different Roles and Duties of HR Staff, HR Managers and HR Directors?

The admin's task is more focused on supporting the company's operations in terms of administration. The job description depends on which department he works in. If he works in the HR department then his job as an HR admin is to manage employee administration.

The HR department is also divided into sections. If the HR admin focuses on recruitment he will do jobs such as filtering incoming job applications or creating job vacancies as requested by the HR manager.

Depending on the size of the company, the HR admin can take care of administration from recruitment to retirement.
HR managers are usually responsible for managing HRD staff and their work schedules.

In addition to being responsible for its staff, HR Managers also have many other responsibilities such as determining recruitment strategies, providing solutions to employee problems, ensuring company regulations are in accordance with applicable Labor Laws.

The big difference between HR managers and HR directors is that directorship is not directly involved in the daily activities of the HR department.

The main focus of the HR director is to ascertain whether the HR department is sufficient to meet the company's needs or not.

Some things that are the focus of the HR director are assessing salary schemes for employees and doing if necessary, building a corporate culture that is in line with the company's business model.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

2022 6+ Secrets to Achieving a Successful Career

Success requires effort that can't come like magic and as fast as lightning. There is a process and a hard struggle to achieve it. However, you don't need to be afraid and never give up to pursue success. Well , for those of you who want to be successful in your career , here are the secrets that you might start applying.

1. Allow yourself to fail 

Failure is painful but it is actually the path to success. Chanie Wilschanski, a leadership coach for early childhood, says pushing yourself out of your comfort zone helps us develop new skills and encourages us to take more risks. "You are slowly starting to feel more comfortable with this 'fail forward' process. You may not win but you are still moving forward," he said. Promise yourself once a week, you will try something new, so that you are not afraid of failure. For example, try putting aside your introverted nature and joining forces with other coworkers for lunch. Well , you can do it at least once a week. You can also try asking your boss about certain tasks you can do. "If your efforts are not successful, try to view this as a way of opening up second chances instead of failing," said Wilschanski. Once you accept that the results may not be what you hoped for, you will have the freedom to try new things. It even starts to develop in an area that used to be a weakness in you. Read: Don't be afraid to beat yourself up when you fail 

2. Ask coworkers for help before superiors

 When you come across a very tough task, maybe you will immediately think about asking your boss for help. However, you should ask for ideas from colleagues first before asking for suggestions from your boss. After that, then you submit the idea to your boss. This method will allow you to recognize the strengths of your co-workers and increase cohesiveness in the team. It will also add value to your boss's eyes. "When there is a promotion, you are on the 'radar' of your boss as someone who is a hard worker and a great worker," said Wilschanski. 

3. Friendly to colleagues 

Colleagues are not competitors but they are your team. Working with a team encourages others to move forward as best they can, bringing better ideas and a more enjoyable workday. "It gives the boss a lot of joy. Companies feel different when their employees are friendly to each other," said Wilschanski. For starters, according to Wilschanski, as much as possible you should guard against profanity. Then, you can try to invite your coworkers to have lunch together or offer to help when a coworker is having a hard time. Read: People who are enthusiastic about getting up early in the morning are more successful 

4. Don't be afraid to look weak 

"The reason people are afraid to ask for help is they are afraid to look incompetent," says Wilschanski. If you're stuck in trouble, asking for help can be the only way to move forward. To get a boost without feeling weak, try approaching your coworkers or boss with solutions instead of just asking questions. "Do all the work you can before asking for help and come up with some ideas to showcase your creative thinking," says Wilschanski. 

5. Giving ideas during the meeting 

If you are an introvert, you may hate to speak up in meetings. It is natural to be nervous when speaking in front of many people. But, don't let that nervousness get in the way of all the brilliant ideas in your head. "The quietest people usually have the brightest ideas," said Wilschanski. So, in order to make it easier for yourself when submitting your opinion, Wilschanski suggests that you ask your friends for help to create a session or provide time so you can express your ideas. For example, if you are in a meeting to discuss a project that you are very interested in, ask the coworker to say that you have a bright idea in front of everyone in the meeting. Give yourself the opportunity to prepare all the things that make you look strong in front of people. 

6. Learn how your coworkers want to be appreciated 

Showing appreciation increases the morale of the team and encourages them to continue to do better. Saying 'thank you' is a start, but knowing how everyone likes being 'acknowledged' can make you stand out in their eyes. "Some people like it when everyone applauds them in a meeting, while others prefer to hear a compliment spoken in person," says Wilschanski. Then, if your coworker likes to be given compliments personally, you can try giving them small surprises such as giving them a cake as an appreciation for their achievements. Read: Don't be stingy about compliments of coworkers