Wednesday, February 12, 2020

What you should never do in a job interview

HR experts meet many different people in job interviews. Cheerful, ambitious, aggressive, shy, knowledgeable, crazy and more… These features, which a candidate has, are important enough to affect whether they are hired or not. 
In the job interview, the questions follow the questions, some of the answers are satisfactory and some are medium decisions. The candidate who does not tire the interviewer is the most successful interview performance. Because the candidate is so suitable and ready for the position that it reveals all the potential of professional and behavioral competence desired without even asking questions. But it is necessary to open a small parenthesis here, it is very difficult to come across the island that does not tire. It is a great experience that can happen to even experienced HR experts like me 5-10 times.
Also, there are candidate profiles that are tiring, challenging and even angry with the people who interviewed the job interview. Some know this negative direction knowingly, and some do it unknowingly.
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  • So, which behaviors put the candidate in an antipathetic position in the eyes of the interviewer?
    1. Those who are late for the meeting and make excuses for being late,
    2. If the application form is requested to be filled, those who do missing work. “Why didn't you fill in? who said the question "I have it in my resume",
    3. Those who do not know about the company he came to job interview. "Why did not you look?" Question; bad excuses, even those who respond with lies and think that they can fool the other person,
    4. Curious or uninterested people who come without reading the announcement of the position they meet,
    5. Those who speak against the company and / or executives,
    6. Those who ask “How much is the wage?”, “What are the working hours?” At the first opportunity,
    7. Now the standard; Those who are not prepared for competency questions such as communication, teamwork, result orientation, problem solving,
    8. Those who say “I have no failure / success in life”,
    9. Those who say “I need it a lot, I can do whatever it is”.
    10. Those who try to interview the interviewer by asking special questions about the person of the interviewee,
    11. Those who write my English grammar fluently and say “I was very excited, I cannot speak” at the stage of speaking,
    12. Those who changed their preferences (wage, benefits, job description, level of competence, etc.) stated about them during the first meeting in the second or third meetings,
    13. Those who consider the interviewer to be "You may not know" especially in professional matters, or those who have interviews with their colleague in the panel interview and say "You know", or ignore other interviewers.
    14. Those who do not answer questions with 8-10 words and produce answers with extremely short sentences,
    15. Those who do not smile and talk about what they will not do for the company during the interview, not what they can do all the time.
    Job interview is actually easy. Well, but to whom?
    Let us say immediately: Those who have a high self-awareness, positive and well-educated lessons and do not exhibit the 15 behaviors written above.

    1 comment:

    1. This is a very informative and helpful for a job applicant
